Good Morning

27 Jul

Good Morning

Good Morning Images

Good Morning Instructions

  1. Begin with a bar on a rack at shoulder height. Rack the bar across the rear of your shoulders as you would a power squat, not on top of your shoulders. Keep your back tight, shoulder blades pinched together, and your knees slightly bent. Step back from the rack.
  2. Begin by bending at the hips, moving them back as you bend over to near parallel. Keep your back arched and your cervical spine in proper alignment.
  3. Reverse the motion by extending through the hips with your glutes and hamstrings. Continue until you have returned to the starting position.
27 Jul

Glute Ham Raise Images

Glute Ham Raise Instructions

  1. Begin by adjusting the equipment to fit your body. Place your feet against the footplate in between the rollers as you lie facedown. Your knees should be just behind the pad.
  2. Start from the bottom of the movement. Keep your back arched as you begin the movement by flexing the knees. Drive your toes into the foot plate as you do so. Keep your upper body straight, and continue until your body is upright.
  3. Return to the starting position, keeping your descent under control.
27 Jul



Also known as Wide-Stance Stiff Legs, Wide Stance Stiff-Legged Deadlift, Stiff-Legged Deadlift, Sumo Stiff-Legged Deadlift, and Stiff Legged Deadlift – wide.

Wide Stance Stiff Legs Images

Wide Stance Stiff Legs Instructions

  1. Begin with a barbell loaded on the floor. Adopt a wide stance, and then bend at the hips to grab the bar. Your hips should be as far back as possible, and your legs nearly straight. Keep your back straight, and your head and chest up. This will be your starting position.
  2. Begin the movement be engaging the hips, driving them forward as you allow the arms to hang straight. Continue until you are standing straight up, and then slowly return the weight to the starting position. For successive reps, the weight need not touch the floor.
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