One-Arm Kettlebell Clean

28 Jul

One-Arm Kettlebell Clean Images

One-Arm Kettlebell Clean Instructions

  1. Place a kettlebell between your feet. As you bend down to grab the kettlebell, push your butt back and keep your eyes looking forward.
  2. Clean the kettlebell to your shoulders by extending through the legs and hips as you raise the kettlebell towards your shoulder. The wrist should rotate as you do so.
  3. Return the weight to the starting position.
28 Jul

Natural Glute Ham Raise Images

Natural Glute Ham Raise Instructions

  1. Using the leg pad of a lat pulldown machine or a preacher bench, position yourself so that your ankles are under the pads, knees on the seat, and you are facing away from the machine. You should be upright and maintaining good posture.
  2. This will be your starting position. Lower yourself under control until your knees are almost completely straight.
  3. Remaining in control, raise yourself back up to the starting position.
  4. If you are unable to complete a rep, use a band, a partner, or push off of a box to aid in completing a repetition.
28 Jul

Lunge Pass Through Images

Lunge Pass Through Instructions

  1. Stand with your torso upright holding a kettlebell in your right hand. This will be your starting position.
  2. Step forward with your left foot and lower your upper body down by flexing the hip and the knee, keeping the torso upright. Lower your back knee until it nearly touches the ground.
  3. As you lunge, pass the kettlebell under your front leg to your opposite hand.
  4. Pressing through the heel of your foot, return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the movement for the recommended amount of repetitions, alternating legs.
27 Jul

Kettlebell One-Legged Deadlift Images

Kettlebell One-Legged Deadlift Instructions

  1. Hold a kettlebell by the handle in one hand. Stand on one leg, on the same side that you hold the kettlebell.
  2. Keeping that knee slightly bent, perform a stiff legged deadlift by bending at the hip, extending your free leg behind you for balance.
  3. Continue lowering the kettlebell until you are parallel to the ground, and then return to the upright position.
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