
27 Jul


Clam Images

Clam Instructions

  1. Begin by lying on your side on the ground. Support your head on your left arm. Flex the hips to 45 degrees and the knees to approximately 90 degrees, with your right leg directly on top of your left. This will be your starting position.
  2. Initiate the exercise by abducting your right leg, pushing your knee away from the midline of your body. Maintain contact between your feet throughout the movement.
  3. Pause at the top of the motion, and then return to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. Do both sides.
26 Jul

Wide-Stance Leg Press Images

Wide-Stance Leg Press Instructions

  1. Load the sled to an appropriate weight.
  2. Seat yourself on the machine, planting your feet on the platform spaced widely apart. Ensure that you are pushing your knees out at all times, not allowing them to cave in. Maintain good spinal position with your head and chest up.
  3. Supporting the weight, fully extend the knees and unlock the sled. This will be your starting position.
  4. Lower the weight by flexing the hips and knees, continuing as far as flexibility allows. Do not allow your lumbar to take the load by moving your pelvis.
  5. At the bottom of the motion, pause briefly and return to the starting position by extending at hips and knees.
26 Jul

Walking, Treadmill Images

Walking, Treadmill Instructions

  1. To begin, step onto the treadmill and select the desired option from the menu. Most treadmills have a manual setting, or you can select a program to run. Typically, you can enter your age and weight to estimate the amount of calories burned during exercise. Elevation can be adjusted to change the intensity of the workout.
  2. Treadmills offer convenience, cardiovascular benefits, and usually have less impact than walking outside. When walking, you should move at a moderate to fast pace, not a leisurely one. Being an activity of lower intensity, walking doesn’t burn as many calories as some other activities, but still provides great benefit. A 150 lb person will burn about 175 calories walking 4 miles per hour for 30 minutes, compared to 450 calories running twice as fast. Maintain proper posture as you walk, and only hold onto the handles when necessary, such as when dismounting or checking your heart rate.
26 Jul

Split Squat with Dumbbells Images

Split Squat with Dumbbells Instructions

  1. Position yourself into a staggered stance with the rear foot elevated and front foot forward.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, letting them hang at the sides. This will be your starting position.
  3. Begin by descending, flexing your knee and hip to lower your body down. Maintain good posture througout the movement. Keep the front knee in line with the foot as you perform the exercise.
  4. At the bottom of the movement, drive through the heel to extend the knee and hip to return to the starting position.
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