Smith Machine Shrug

09 Jun

Smith Machine Shrug Images

Smith Machine Shrug Instructions

  1. To begin, set the bar height on the smith machine around the middle of your thighs. Once the correct height is chosen and the bar is loaded, grab the bar using a pronated grip (palms facing you) shoulder width apart from each other.
  2. Lift the barbell up and fully extend your arms with your back straight. This is the starting position.
  3. While exhaling, elevate the bar by raising your shoulders until they come close to touching your ears.
  4. Hold the contraction for a second before lowering the bar back down to the starting position while inhaling.
  5. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.


  • This exercise can be performed using a squat rack with a barbell. However, be careful not to select a weight that is so heavy that it causes you to break good form as you do not have the support of the smith machine for this variation. Too much weight can harm your back.
  • You can also use dumbbells to perform this exercise.
02 Jun

Lying Face Down Plate Neck Resistance Images

Lying Face Down Plate Neck Resistance Instructions

  1. Lie face down with your whole body straight on a flat bench while holding a weight plate behind your head. Tip: You will need to position yourself so that your shoulders are slightly above the end of a flat bench in order for the upper chest, neck and face to be off the bench. This will be your starting position.
  2. While keeping the plate secure on the back of your head slowly lower your head (as in saying yes) as you breathe in.
  3. Raise your head back up to the starting position in a semi-circular motion as you breathe out. Hold the contraction for a second.
  4. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Caution: As with all exercises, refrain from using any sort of sudden or jerking motions.

Variation: You can opt to use no resistance at first.

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