Barbell Reverse Lunge

04 Aug

Barbell Reverse Lunge Images

Barbell Reverse Lunge Instructions

  1. Position a weighted bar across your upper back holding the ends with your hands to keep it stable. Alternately, you can do this in a squat rack to more easily get into the starting position. Stand erect with your chest out and your shoulders back, maintaining the natural curve in your back and knees unlocked. Your feet should be about hip width apart. This is your starting position.
  2. Staying erect, initiate the movement by stepping back with one foot about 2 feet, keeping your hips facing forward as the toe of your back foot makes contact first. Then allow both knees to bend and descend just short of allowing your trailing knee to touch the floor.
  3. Your body should continue to be upright. Don’t lean forward or allow you back to round. Press back up by pushing through your back foot maintaining balance as you return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat on the opposite side, and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Alternative Exercises for Barbell Reverse Lunge

01 Aug

Cable Crunch

Cable Crunch Images

Cable Crunch Instructions

  1. Kneel below a high pulley that contains a rope attachment.
  2. Grasp cable rope attachment and lower the rope until your hands are placed next to your face.
  3. Flex your hips slightly and allow the weight to hyperextend the lower back. This will be your starting position.
  4. With the hips stationary, flex the waist as you contract the abs so that the elbows travel towards the middle of the thighs. Exhale as you perform this portion of the movement and hold the contraction for a second.
  5. Slowly return to the starting position as you inhale. Tip: Make sure that you keep constant tension on the abs throughout the movement. Also, do not choose a weight so heavy that the lower back handles the brunt of the work.
  6. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Variations: You can perform this exercise with a handle instead so that you can concentrate on each side of the abs separately by performing the exercise to the side.

01 Aug

Seated Leg Curl Images

Seated Leg Curl Instructions

  1. Adjust the machine lever to fit your height and sit on the machine with your back against the back support pad.
  2. Place the back of lower leg on top of padded lever (just a few inches under the calves) and secure the lap pad against your thighs, just above the knees. Then grasp the side handles on the machine as you point your toes straight (or you can also use any of the other two stances) and ensure that the legs are fully straight right in front of you. This will be your starting position.
  3. As you exhale, pull the machine lever as far as possible to the back of your thighs by flexing at the knees. Keep your torso stationary at all times. Hold the contracted position for a second.
  4. Slowly return to the starting position as you breathe in.
  5. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Caution: Do not ever use so much weight on the exercise that you start using swinging and jerking as you can risk both lower back injury and also a hamstring tear.

Variations: Since you have three foot positions you have in reality three exercises.

28 Jul

Stiff-Legged Dumbbell Deadlift Images

Stiff-Legged Dumbbell Deadlift Instructions

  1. Grasp a couple of dumbbells holding them by your side at arm’s length.
  2. Stand with your torso straight and your legs spaced using a shoulder width or narrower stance. The knees should be slightly bent. This is your starting position.
  3. Keeping the knees stationary, lower the dumbbells to over the top of your feet by bending at the waist while keeping your back straight. Keep moving forward as if you were going to pick something from the floor until you feel a stretch on the hamstrings. Exhale as you perform this movement
  4. Start bringing your torso up straight again by extending your hips and waist until you are back at the starting position. Inhale as you perform this movement.
  5. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Caution: This is not an exercise that is recommended for people with lower back problems. Also, it needs to be treated with the utmost respect paying special attention not to round the back forward as you move the torso down; the back should always be straight. Finally, jerking motions or doing too much weight can injure your back.

Variations: The exercise can also be performed with a barbell also.

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