One Arm Supinated Dumbbell Triceps Extension Images
One Arm Supinated Dumbbell Triceps Extension Instructions
![One Arm Supinated Dumbbell Triceps Extension](https://media.fitzport.com/exercise/guides/triceps-fitzport.com.avif)
- Lie flat on a bench while holding a dumbbell at arms length. Your arm should be perpendicular to your body. The palm of your hand should be facing towards your face as a supinated grip is required to perform this exercise.
- Place your non lifting hand on your bicep for support.
- Slowly begin to lower the dumbbell down as you breathe in.
- Then, begin lifting the dumbbell upward as you contract the triceps. Remember to breathe out during the concentric (lifting part of the exercise).
- Repeat until you have performed your set repetitions.
- Switch arms and repeat the movement.
- Switch arms again and repeat the movement.