We want to start off by saying you don’t NEED any supplements what so ever! Supplements are just that – a supplement to a healthy diet. If you follow
the meal guide you will be getting the proper amount of micronutrients and macronutrients to sustain a healthy lifestyle, but below are a few supplements we recommend if you feel you want to add them to your routine!
- MusclePharm Multi V
- MusclePharm Fish Oil
- Probiotics (Brand Recommendation:Garden of Life or Ortho Biotic)
- Greens powders (Brand Recommendation Barleans Greens or Amazing Grass)
- MusclePharm Branched Chain Amino Acids
- Protein Powder – this isn’t really a supplement but is actually more of a “food” but figured we would include it here as well.
- MusclePharm Combat Protein Powder
- MusclePharm 100% Whey
- MusclePharm 100% Isolate
- MusclePharm Organic Plant-Based Protein